Patrons & Fundraising.

GMHS Chorus Fair Share Policy.

The choral program at GMHS has a “Fair Share” cost to help acquire the necessary resources for choral activities throughout the year. This Fair Share is simply the monetary difference between the projected program income and the amount needed to fully support our operating budget. This need results in a financial commitment that is based on procedures that other Wake County high school chorus and band ensembles use to help fund their programs. The actual request is quite small compared to similar programs, and we are thankful to keep the price at $75.00. Keep in mind that there are many fundraisers hosted throughout the year that are available to help cover the cost of Fair Share and Uniforms! Fair Share does not include ticket sales, trips, or uniforms. 
No student will be excluded from chorus due to financial difficulties.

How do I pay my "fair share"?

 - Visiting local and small businesses within the community
-Contacting company sponsors via email
- Through family, guardians, grandparents, etc.
- Fundraising

What does my "fair share" do?

Fair Share funds will benefit all students in the program, as the Choral Boosters will use the money to help pay for sheet music, concert accompanists, piano maintenance/tuning, program printing, transportation and registration fees for choral events/adjudication activities, and other items that can be viewed on the operating budget. The operating budget of the Choral Boosters helps to subsidize program expenses while remaining committed to helping students with financial needs.

Financial Support.

 If you and your family have financial restrictions, a benevolence form will be offered by the Booster Board. If you choose not to fundraise, you may write a check to the choral board in the place of fundraising your fair share. Please contact the treasurer through Charms if you have any questions: